
Monday, September 11, 2023

Learn Today

      this the are occupied and their own work,
1st the surgeon
2nd nurse
3rd doctor
* This 3 professional services are provided for medical purposes.
 1st Business 
 2nd secretary 
* this two proposes is daily worker,the also depending each other.
    Now this is very common to seeing everywhere chefs and waiter  they also work with together. there is so many animals in this picture.
Also other animals like ....this
this animals are seeing other countries.
There is black panther,cacatoo,antheater, scarlet macaw,red eyed tree frogs and sloth.this is very common to know about it.
did you see the insect in this picture?
Ladybug, moth,kaythdid tick,wasp,slug,tadpole this all are insect.

There is also flying birds like humming Bird, sparrow,quail, vulture, eag👉👺👉le this all are flying birds.there is also some insects is flying,did you seen? Ans...( Read in your mind).
there are you seeing this clothes items for man this all  are for mans needed items.there is many different types of clothes items like business shoes, sports, blazer, bathrobe etc.
in this picture: all items are used in bathroom 
Is this all you need?
Household devices and Appliances:


નિરંજન નરહરિ ભગત (18 મે 1926 – 1 ફેબ્રુઆરી 2018)

ભારતીય ગુજરાતી ભાષાના કવિ અને વિવેચક હતા જેમણે તેમના વિવેચનાત્મક કાર્ય ગુજરાતી સાહિત્ય – પૂર્વર્ધ ઉત્તરાર્ધ માટે ગુજરાતી ભાષા માટે 1999 નો સ...